Join us for Worship
Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Social Distancing guidelines are in place.
Please maintain 6 foot distance between you and
other non-family members. Masks are required.
If you have questions,
please contact Pastor Greg.
Our prayer chain is seriously out of date and many of those on the prayer chain previously have entered the gates of Glory to be with Jesus himself. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hall by the church office (next to restrooms). If you'd like to be a part of our prayer chain, please sign-up there, or contact the Church Office at (570) 275-1341 or by e-mail at stpetesumc@verizon.net and let us know. Thank you.
Clothes Don't Fit?
If you're purging your closet of clothes that don't fit but still are in good condition, please note that St. Pauly's has reopened the clothing shed in the rear of the church. Support the church by donating clothing and shoes. Be sure to bag them and put them in the chute. A list of acceptable items is posted on the shed. Thank you.
Sunday Morning Worship at 9:45 a.m.
Children's Sunday School for Grades K-6 at 9:45 a.m.
Nursery and Preschool-age child care offered